Visionary Fund

HearStrong Visionary Fund

HearStrong serves to empower individuals with hearing loss, and offer support to help them thrive in their communities and beyond. We believe that any vision can be achieved with the right support, which is why we have created this initiative to help visionaries make their dreams a reality.

Whether you would like to provide funding for medical care, start a new business, or train for a competition, etc., the Visionary Fund can help you make that possible. The committee will select recipients based on the most compelling application and apparent need

Submission Deadlines

Recipients of HearStrong’s Visionary Fund are selected on a quarterly basis. Please see the submission deadlines for the following quarters

  • March 31st
  • June 30th
  • September 30th
  • December 31st

Visionary Fund Application

Please complete the form below to start the Visionary Fund application process
Personal & Business Information
Tell Your Story
Tell Us About Your Project
Upload Files
If you have any additional files or photos that you would like to upload as part of your application, please do so
Confirm and Submit
I certify that I am not an employee of HearStrong or EarQ. I understand that by signing my name to this affidavit, I fully comprehend and affirm all statements made on it.
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