Giving the Gift of Hearing with Lemon-aids
In 2019, HearStrong teamed up with Lemon-aids 4 Hearing Aids, a like-minded organization with a mission to help everyone get hearing aids who need them.
Lemon-aids is an organization created in 2018 by 8-year-old Carly Waters, who’s two little sisters, Emma and Molly, have hearing loss. After learning how expensive hearing aids are, Carly wanted to raise money for children who are in need of hearing aids but can’t afford them due to the lack of insurance coverage. She started sewing plush lemons to sell and since then has sold and shipped thousands worldwide. In addition to raising money, the Waters sisters are on a mission to show the world how beautiful it is to be different and educate people on hearing loss and the importance of hearing health.
HearStrong on Good Morning America
Our partnership began on Good Morning America where HearStrong’s Co-founder, Ed Keller, teamed up with former NFL quarterback, Jim Kelly, to honor Emma and Molly as HearStrong Champions and present a check for $5,000 to be put towards the girls’ mission. In addition, HearStrong then pledged to match up to $10,000 in donations.

HearStrong and Lemon-aids Combine Forces
From there HearStrong and Lemon-aids decided to combine forces in order to help the most individuals possible. The partnership allows for people in need to apply to be one of the recipients to receive a free set of hearing aids. We work with local hearing care providers to fit the devices free of charge.
Since then, our partnership has allowed for 9 individuals to reconnect to the world around them through free hearing aids. Check out the stories of a few of the individuals we’ve helped!

Our Partnership Today
With HearStrong’s industry connections and Lemon-aids passion to find and help children in need, we knew we couldn’t stop there. Once again HearStrong and Lemon-aids have decided to team up to gift hearing aids to more children in need!
Dollar for dollar your donation will be matched by an anonymous donor up to $10,000!
With a total amount of $20,000, HearStrong and the Waters sisters will be able to provide 5 children with hearing devices at no cost to them.
Not everyone has access to hearing healthcare. Now you have the chance to change that by taking part in our fundraiser.
Please specify “Lemonaids fundraiser” in the comment section of your donation.